※ 第5号からは会員制度の導入に伴って、会員外からの「自由投稿」ができなくなります(ほかの企画への参加は今まで通り可能です)。これにあわせて、形式的な制限の少ない企画を新設することにしました。テーマにピンとくるものがあって、それに対して文章を寄せることができる、そういう場として賑わうことになればと思っています。
In this section we collect essays on the theme set by someone in rotation in each number. This is the first time and the theme is "freedom."
The aim of this is to open up our mind. Very simple is the attempt, for what you write is only to be related to the theme (this time "freedom"), and that is the only restriction you have to care about.
Is it however, really simple the case? It might be only when we see something in the ordinal, or narrow-minded way, that the attempt here seems simple to us. Aren't there much wider possibilities covert, in "writing about something" or "expressing about something", than we have expected? If so, could we find old/new possibilities in some word like "freedom"?
In every number, C1's manager writes a short introduction on the theme one set. It is entirely up to them how the introduction will be like. What will be done here is, so, just to write on the theme, after reading the introduction.
* From No.5 on, contributions to the "Free Writing" will be available only to those who subscribes themselves as paying member. (Contributions to the other sections will be still open to public.) To collect wide-range essays from the outside of the membership, we started this new part with little restriction on style. We hope you will feel something on the theme shown here, and write freely.
第1回 テーマ「自由」 (テーマ担当:宮田晃碩)
自由について書いてください。どのように書いても構いません。具体的に問題となっている事柄を取り上げて論ずるもよし、歴史的にこの概念の由来を訪ねるもよし、あるいはこの概念に潜む欺瞞を暴くもよし、さらにはこの企画の意図や構造を批判するということも可能でしょう。「自由」の2文字を書いてくださっても構いません。つまり、「自由に」書いていただきたいのです。しかし一点、留意してください。こうやって私が述べ立てれば述べ立てるほど、皆さんの自由は拘束されていくことになります。そしてそれでもなお、皆さんはどこまでも自由なのです。こう述べ立てることで私は、別に問題を小難しくしようというのでも、あるいは皆さんの自由を全て先回りしようというのでもありません。寧ろこのことが、皆さんを自由にすると思うのです。こういったことを超えるのでなければ、自由を掴んだとは言いがたいと思うのです。ですから、自由に書いてください。ただし字数は4000字/ 1000 words以内とさせていただきます。
Theme "freedom"
(Note: this theme "freedom" is translated from Japanese word「 自由」(ji-yū), which has two possible translations into English, the other one of which is "liberty.")Please write about freedom. No matter what it would be like. You can do anything: picking up and discussing some real problems; seeking for the origin of this concept historically; exposing deceptions covert in this concept; or criticizing the intention or structure of this attempt, i.e. " of writing about freedom freely." You can even write only the word "freedom." But take notice: the more possibilities I mention, the more your possibilities of freedom will be restricted; and still you are entirely free. By this notification, I'm not intending to make the task hard, or to anticipate
your freedom. I'd rather try to make you free. If you won't surpass my words, you won't be free. So, please write freely.
(The maximum word limit is 1000.)
All the writings of "Free Writing" will be uploaded to the official website of the Project Marginalia.
Please let us know by 15th January if you would like to join this section.
The deadline of this writing is 8th February.
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