Feedback by Akihiro Miyata
Family lies behind you, every time you express something. That would be why you would find it awkward to talk about (your) family. Most of us acquire primordial sensitivity and love in our family (it must be a wonderful gift) just as we acquire our language ability. It might be impossible to be free completely from your family. Not only you are a part of your family, but family essentially consists you. Thus to write about your family requires to expose yourself.
In other words, family is quite a private matter. What can we tell about such kind of sphere, or what can we learn from such kind of confessions? One is to reflect critically on the situation of our family. It would be very different especially in different countries, and maybe we can find some basic, common conditions. To reflect on your family would lead to the reflection on your social situation. Another is to communicate with others in the depth of our feelings. As said above, your way of thinking about your family represents your sentiment on yourself. Your way of talking represents your love (or hate). I read these essays from a wide range of the world, and felt as if the writers and I were talking shoulder to shoulder, for the stories contained the writers' life.
To be honest, I gave up writing an essay for this 'international exchange' though I tried. I felt it ambiguous; on one hand I desired to express my feelings, but on the other hand there seemed nothing to write. Maybe I could not have enough courage to reflect on myself and to believe in myself. Through reading these essays, I was really pleased to find writers' trust on their families or themselves, and to feel their deep emotions about their lives. Although my feelings to family will not be simple, I realized that I can simply thank my family through my life. I hope that readers of these essays also reflect on their family and their own lives, and gain some power to go ahead. Your friends support you when you are troubled, like in this 'international exchange.'
(Akihiro Miyata / 宮田晃碩)
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