"The External World", an animated film made by David Oreilly, shows what it means - it is only by watching this that you understand what you can do without words: nothing.
Unfortunate for him, I tried with my friend how he reacts after watching this, and found the unearthly silence lying between us... Temporally or eternally, it took away the world of words from us, and thus we could not think anything but acted as if the time we watched it had not existed. I agree that it might be terrible once, but this is as necessary as your experience like you're wandering by canals in Amsterdam and find how marijuana smells like or what's going on in the red light district: you need to know whatever you don't know is like; what you will see at this moment, is the thing called "the external world".
So I have no words for you watching it yourself. Just do it and check out if you can add something to say.
Here's David Oreilly's Website.
And there is a good introduction online for this piece: The External World - Enter the disturbing world of David Oreilly (Please Say Something) for a spin into low-poly, subconscious madness.
(Yuma Sumi)
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