
【連載】前号への評 第21回 第2号Marginalia No.2 総評①


今回と次回は、第2号への総評をご紹介します。第21回の今回は、鷲見雄馬(すみゆうま, Yuma Sumi)君による評です。編集長という立場から、また表現の形式に徹底した省察を怠らない鷲見君自身の目から見て、第2号はどのように読まれたのでしょうか。そしてここに見出されている問題は、まもなく発行される第4号ではどのように乗り越えられるのでしょうか。

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▶鷲見雄馬 Yuma Sumi

This is not a book on which critics should occupy many paragraphs. As a comprehensive magazine it should have been more sophisticated in its design so that any reader could understand what is actually going on, and more accurate in every concept by which some of the unique reviews it contains, are defined. I have no hesitation in saying that the rather discursive tendency of Marginalia No.2 - which is not yet to be accused, in the respect of the achievement that it succeeded to gather more articles by far than the previous―makes it unclear what it was intended to be.
    There are some exceptions, however, in the air of the mature thought pervading, such as follows: first of all, Kazuki Mimura’s dual writings of the philosophical state of modern Chinese philology and humanism; and Simone Koers’ brief essay that sticks to her point in as the simple style as we could suppose. Of course, I would not criticize so as to divide this magazine into good and bad, but it is always inevitable, in the appreciation of the words of weight, that all the writings will be observed if they meet the requirement of the readers for the excellence of composition.
    Were we to specify any other articles, as apparently more interesting than another, it would be the one discussing the modern society from the perspective of engineering, written by Yushi Yoshimura. The experimental idea in Akihiro Miyata and some others’ essays, to have more than two different styles in one, is also promising.
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