
企画番号C「短評」/ C3 "Short Review"

 尚、今まで同様、冒頭に専攻内容(今回は職業、または” 自称” でも構わないことにします)を書くことをルールとして付けさせて頂きます。これは、寄稿者の書く内容を制限するためではなく、読者への簡単な” 紹介文” だと思ってください。

 あなたは今広い牧場にいます。牧場にはたくさんの羊たちが飼われています。羊たちは自分の背丈程度の柵に囲まれて牧草地の中でのんびりと暮らしています。すると、3歳くらいの子供がやってきて、あなたにこんな質問をしました。その子は真剣に悩んでいます。それに対して(子供に対しては少し長いのですが)600字/150 words程度で答えてください。文体は口語でも、説明調でも構いません。



Please write a short essay in 150 words, answering a question I will show below. Anything will do as long as you think it is concerned with the question, but there is one rule to be followed: you have to write your title (major is recommended but occupation or hobby is also acceptable) at the top of your writing.
  In Marginalia No.4 these essays you and other writers will wrte, are going to be put side by side. Even though people are focusing on the same thing, these writings will look quite different from each other; in the past two numbers it turned out that there was much wider variety of our way of thinking than I had expected, even if taking into account that their majoring is also various. And this variety, is exactly what I need.
  You may have a feeling that your title at the top would limit what you write. That may be true, but imagine this is just a simple self-introduction to readers. It is also possible to write something irrelevant to your title.
  I am looking forward to your participation.

  You are now in the pasture. There is a fence half your height around the pasture and a lot of sheep are fed in there peacefully. Here comes a three-year-old kid, and asked you a question:
"Why don't they run away from here?"
The kid seems to be wondering very seriously. Please make an answer to the kid in about 150 words.

All the writings of "Short Review" will be uploaded to the official website of the Project Marginalia.
Please let us know by 15th January if you would like to join this section.
The deadline of this writing is 8th February.

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