
企画番号D「Phase Reading」/ C4 "Phase Reading"


 Phase Readingのコンセプトは従来通り、「執筆対象となる自由投稿に対して、参加者が個々人の形式で応答する」ことにあります。他人の文章を楽器や絵で表現することは簡単かもしれませんが、言葉で表現するとなると、それはいつも詩や批評という形になりがちです。この企画は、そんな型にはまった形式でモノを見てほしくない、という思いに端を発しており、「この文章を表現するのにふさわしい書き方、表現の方法とはなんだろう?」というふうな疑問をみなさんに持ってほしい、というのが大きな出発点になっています。批評でも詩でも、エッセーでも小説でも、みなさんの想うままに筆を走らせてみてください。
 また、それがたとえ批評であったとしても、通常の批評と大いに異なる点は、自由投稿の著者からの「返事」が保証されている、ということです。また、元の自由投稿の文章と、それに対する二次的な文章とが同じ号数の冊子に掲載されるので、読者はこれを1つの冊子の中で比較検討することができます。元の自由投稿の著者にとっても、二次的な文章の執筆者にとっても、「書く」という行為がどのような読者にむけた行為なのか、自分の文章を「読む」のは誰なのか、ということを意識するきっかけになればと思います。もちろん書くにあたっては、元の執筆者や、これから読んでいただく読者の方に対する誹謗中傷はもってのほかです。なお字数は1編600字/150 words 程度とします。
 『新論説集「マージナリア」 第4号』からは、以下のような構成で本企画を実施します。

Phase 1:「同じ冊子内の自由投稿」 自由投稿については、企画番号B「自由投稿」を参照してください。

Phase 2:「同じ冊子内の自由投稿」に対する二次的な文章(1文につき2名)……執筆者指名制
 複数以上の自由投稿について書く場合も、1編にまとめることはせずに、それぞれ別に600 字/ 150words 程度で書いてください。

Phase 3:「1号前に載せられた二次的な文章」に対する、元の自由投稿の著者の三次的な文章……下表の5人が寄稿


  • 吉村勇志/『倫理と~』に対する二次的な文章
  • 水口智仁/『技術者の~』に対する二次的な文章
  • 徳宮博文/『謎の~』に対する二次的な文章
  • 三村一貴/『論語~』に対する二次的な文章
  • Brooke Newman/“Ephemeral...” に対する二次的な文章

Phase 4:「1号前に載せられた三次的な文章」に対する、希望者の四次的な文章……寄稿者を全体公募



What you do in this section is to reply to C2 "Free Writing" in your own, unique way (secondhand writing). Its aim is simple; I would like you to have a question like "What is the most interesting way to express what I felt against this writing?", so that you could start thinking that criticism is not the only one form of writing you can express your opinion against another. Through this section, I hope you will understand that writing can be the same tool as musical instruments and paintings to explore the world beside us. Any form could be acceptable, for example, novel, essay,
poem, and so on.
  Additionally, here you will have a reply from the writer of "Free Writing" against yours to the original (thirdhand writing). That means you will have a dialogue with someone else you might have never met before. This is such a wonderful thing, isn't it? And still, you can compare two writings in the same number of Marginalia. This system would make both writers be aware of matters like what it is to write for readers, or who is to read your writing.
  Of course, it is prohibited to speak badly of people. The maximum word limit for one writing is 150.
  The contents of this section are as follows:

Phase 1: "Free Writing in Marginalia No.4" Please refer to the explanation of C2 "Free Writing".

Phase 2: Secondhand writing against "Free Writing in Marginalia No.4" (2 persons for each writing) : nomination
As the writer of "Free Writing" will nominate 2 people to write one's secondhand writing, you need to accept if you have enough time to do that. Pay attention: the deadline of "Free Writing" is 31st January and that of its secondhand is 8th February, so you need to check when your partner could give you his "Free Writing".

Phase 3: Thirdhand writing against "secondhand writing in Marginalia No.3" : by all the writers of "Free Writing in No.3"
The deadline is 8th February.
▼Who is writing/to what

  • Yushi Yoshimura/Secondhand writing against "Ethics and..."
  • Tomohito Minakuchi/Secondhand writing against "A perspective on..."
  • Hirofumi Tokumiya/Secondhand writing against "Writing (of?)..."
  • Kazuki Mimura/Secondhand writing against "A note..."
  • Brooke Newman/Secondhand writing against ""Ephemeral"..."

Phase 4: Fourth-hand writing against "thirdhand writing in Marginalia No.3" : if you want!
Originally this thirdhand writing is against secondhand writing in No.2, and this secondhand was against "Free Writing" in No.2... Anyways, this is up to you. If you want to writie something against thirdhand in No.3, then just try.
The deadline is 8th February.

All the writings of "Phase Reading" will be uploaded to the official website of the Project Marginalia.
Please let us know by 15th January if you would like to join this section.
The deadline of this writing is 8th February.

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