
E わたしと他者 / I and others


企画責任者:宮田晃碩(東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科)

 私たちは普段、いろいろな形で「他者」と関わっています――しかし、どのように? 自分以外の人が他者とどう関わっているのか、実はよく知らないのではないでしょうか。
 ※ 送っていただく画像の配置を指定してください。文章とあわせて、左頁35字×23行、右頁35字×29行の中に収まるようお願いいたします。
 ※ プライバシーの侵害と判断される内容については、修正をお願いする場合があります。ご承知おきください。


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E "I and others"

Project leader:Akihiro Miyata (The University of Tokyo)

Write about 'others' around you. In addition, take a photo or an image of a place which represents the relationships between you and them.

Note1: We have various relationships with others in our everyday life 
— but how? Maybe you do not have much idea about relationships between someone (not you) and others. I'm afraid that you can often take it normal to have relationships with others in your own way. The target of this experiment is, therefore, to rethink about our experiences of 'others,' through comparing some essays about 'others.'
It is necessary for us to have relationships with others. Needless to say about sales jobs or teaching, but it is also the case for other fields. For example, even a nomad worker pays attention to other persons' eyes and communicates with his/her office via the Internet. A scholar in a laboratory conducts experiments with colleagues and gives a presentation for other researchers in a conference. 'Others' are not restricted to each human being, but some groups or objects of a research could be 'others.' Anyway, we are always living with others.
Review the way you are living with others. Write about relationships with others, which you feel in vivid reality in your everyday life.
At the same time, relationships with others occur necessarily 'somewhere.' Take a photo or an image of that place. It might enable us to realize what the relationships are like.

Please designate the arrangement of an image in the text. Whole manuscript (including an image) should be fit in 2 pages. (23 lines in the left page, 29 lines in the right page. Each line will have about 15words)
If a draft would be judged as including some inappropriate contents (invasion of privacy etc.), you would be requested to make appropriate modification. Thank you.

Check out the project list as well.
All the writings of this project will be uploaded to the official website of the Project Marginalia.
Please let us know by 31 January if you would like to join this project.
The deadline for this project is 14 February.

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