Phase 2: 鷲見雄馬 "Against translation"に対する、大川内智海のexpression
Phase 3: 大川内智海のexpressionに対する、鷲見雄馬の返答
What I have been trying in my writing these days is to show something seemingly incomprehensible in the way making you consider, and to break the preconceived ideas of our time. In my opinion, it is wrong to say a thing should be interpretable. Susan Sontag mentioned in her outstanding work, Against Interpretation, about contemporary art interpreted in defense of appreciation, “Real art has the capacity to make us nervous. …[however,] Interpretation makes art manageable, conformable.” As an artist who intends to make real art, why would I not leave a given thing as it is? In Against Translation, so did I just in the realm of thought and language.
It should be hypocritical, however, that
you would acclaim yourself in the secondhand writing that you got my idea
completely. No, you should be overwhelmed! In this respect, Tomomi was smart –
he didn’t refer to what could not be referred.
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