
Hani Andary "American's value for personal opinion"

Phase 2: Hani Andary "American's value for personal opinion"に対する、Jonatan Buloのexpression

  Hani is my friend so I was really looking forward to reading his essay. Although I was pretty sceptical of the subject beforehand I still read it with an open mind. After a while it became harder for me to keep my mind as open as I intended it to be. This is because I disagree with the American education system and the fact that it ranks lowest of all industrialised countries in the world means that I am not the only one who thinks that way. Hani was defending the American education by focusing on their strong belief in individualism and their efforts to make it the focus point instead of teaching something useful to their children. In my opinion facts are important when teaching and create opportunities for children to discuss what they have learned with their teachers and their parents. I still love Hani though.

Phase 3: Jonatan Buloのexpressionに対する、Hani Andaryの返答

  I know better than most how and more importantly where the American educational system is failing. However, my article was about the value of personal opinion in the American system and how and why I believe it is a good thing. The fact that children are being educated in a way that their opinion matters makes them keep a lot more of their creative capacity that they were born with than an educational system which does not.

  In the end it is still a personal opinion and that is exactly where my article doubles on the subject. My article was about my personal opinion supported by facts, not proven. It was my first article I wrote based on a personal opinion, and I can honestly tell you it gave me more joy than all of my scientifically papers I wrote all together.

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